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iGeek has every intention of honoring the patents, trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property of others.


Apple, the Apple logo, Apple Pay, Apple Pencil, Apple TV, Apple Watch, iPad, iPhone, iPod, iPod touch, iTunes, the iTunes logo, Mac, iMac, MacBook, MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, macOS, QuickTime, Siri, watchOS, and 3D Touch are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Samsung®, Samsung Galaxy®, Samsung Galaxy S3®, Samsung Galaxy S5® are trademarks of Samsung. Sony Inc. Sony PlayStation® is a registered trademark of Sony Inc. in the US and other countries. Nintendo® is a registered trademark of Nintendo, Inc. in the US and other countries. Microsoft Corporation Microsoft®, Windows®, Windows XP®, Windows Vista®, Xbox®, Zune®, SharePoint®, Internet Explorer®, Hotmail®, Bing®, Office®, Word®, PowerPoint®, Excel®, Outlook® and their logos are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
Motorola® is a registered trademark of Motorola Trademark Holdings, LLC. Linux® is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the US and other countries. GoogleTM, Android™, Google Maps™, Google Play™, Google Docs™, Google Picasa™, Gmail™, Google Chrome™, Google Plus™, YouTube™ and their logos are trademarks of Google, Inc. in the US and/or other countries. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.

If we have inadvertently excluded your intellectual property from this notice please contact us so we may rectify the issue immediately.

Personal Information

iGeek has every intention of honoring your privacy.  iGeek may share some information with its' partners for the completion of services. iGeek repair and gaming shall not share this information, material or documents (information) with persons who are not authorized to have this information. iGeek Repair and Gaming will not publish your private personal information. . iGeek will not sell your personal information!


iGeek has every intention of honoring your membership program.  iGeek may share some information with its' partners for the completion of services. iGeek repair and gaming shall make a good faith effort to satisfy requests. iGeek can cancel membership at anytime for any reason with a refund of membership fees paid after the member's last repair.

Warranty, Refunds, Exchanges

iGeek has a 90 Warranty. Refunds or exchanges are on a case by case basis

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